
Illustration, Comic Book Art

Studio 7

Thomcat23 (Keni Thomas) is a Philly-born and raised creative mind with many skills.

Hyperactive by nature, Keni generates a lot of imagery. His primary focus is the human experience and general geekery. In his study, you can find drawings and prints with subjects ranging from political to sports, video games, comic books, anime, and vintage graphic design.

His degree and training are in graphic design, a field in which he was employed for 25 years. He has lent his time and energy to projects ranging from the Dekalb County (Atlanta) Blues & Jazz Festival 2003 to the Philadelphia Eagles’ opening day poster 2023. Always up for a creative endeavor, Keni went independent in 2020 and helped establish Philly Otaku (an anime fan community) with his partner Becky DeMaulé.

Get to know a little more about Thomcat23 in this quick and quirky Q&A.

Peek inside Keni Thomas’s studio.

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